Sunday, March 23, 2014

Playing down

Often when playing a competitive match in any sport we cannot control what level of player we face. In some cases we will face an opponent of equal skill. But in others we will have to battle it out against someone who is higher skilled, or lower skilled.

When playing against a lower-skilled opponent it is important to remember that the skill level doesn’t really mean a guaranteed victory. When a level six plays against a level three, it doesn’t mean that the six can relax and coast his way to victory.

In some ways playing against a lower skilled opponent requires more discipline, as the lower skilled opponents don’t often follow the “tried and true” methods that the higher skilled players have learned. Instead they will try tactics that aren’t often used, sometimes to great affect.

The end result? Don’t let the level of the opponent change your game. Keep a sharp head, and play the best you can. You can relax after the game is over.

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